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This form structure is an organized set of data definitions for a copyrighted form
Family Burden of Injury Interview
Short Name:
The Family Burden of Injury Interview (FBII) measures stress related to injury, with both a structured interview and self-report version available. The interview version has proven reliability and validity and has been used in TBI. The self-report version is undergoing psychometric analysis. Copyright 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Reference: Burgess, Erika Swift MA; Drotar, Dennis PhD; Taylor, Gerry H. PhD; Wade, Shari PhD; Stancin, Terry PhD; Yeates, Keith Owen PhDThe Family Burden of Injury Interview: Reliability and Validity Studies.Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Issue: Volume 14(4), August 1999, p 394?405
Traumatic Brain Injury General (For all diseases)
Required Program Form:
Standard NINDS CDE
Form Type:
Clinical Assessment
Date Created:
Number of Data Elements:
Logically grouped data elements with defined frequency at which they repeat.

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 GUID   Global Unique ID which uniquely identifies a subject GUID Required CDE
2 Subject identifier number   An identification number assigned to the participant/subject within a given protocol or a study. SubjectIDNum Optional CDE
3 Age in years   Value for participant's subject age recorded in years. AgeYrs Recommended CDE
4 Vital status   Status of participant/subject as alive or dead VitStatus Optional CDE
5 Visit date   Actual interview or visit date VisitDate Recommended CDE
6 Site name   The name of the site for the study SiteName Recommended CDE
7 Days since baseline   The number of days since baseline DaysSinceBaseline Optional CDE
8 Case control indicator   Indicator of whether subject is in the case or control arm of the study. CaseContrlInd Optional CDE
9 General notes text   General notes GeneralNotesTxt Optional CDE

Additional Element Groups

Listed below are your additional element groups.

Form Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Language form administration ISO code  Code (ISO 639-2) for the language that was used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration LangCRFAdministratISOCode Recommended CDE
2 Language form administration ISO code other text  The free-text field related to 'Language used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration ISO code' specifying other text. LangCRFAdministratISOCodeOTH Recommended CDE
3 Context type  The context to which the questions were answered ContextType Recommended CDE
4 Context type other text  The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text ContextTypeOTH Recommended CDE
5 Data source  Source of the data provided on the case report form DataSource Recommended CDE
6 Data source other text  The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. Source of the data provided on the case report form DataSourceOTH Recommended CDE

FBII Item 1 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Any change in child's reaction indicator  Indicator for any change in child's reaction, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIAnyChngChldReactnInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 2 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficulty in discplining child behavior indicator  Indicator for difficulty in discplining child behavior , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffctDscplChldBehInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 3 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Noticed change in behavior of your other children indicator  Indicator for noticed change in behavior of your other children , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIINotcChngBehYrOthrChldrnInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 4 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficulty in discplining your other child behavior indicator  Indicator for difficulty in discplining your other child behavior , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffctDscplOthrYrChldBehInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 5 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview - Concerned about your other children react or accept indicator  Indicator for concern about your other children reaction or acceptance , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConYrOthrChldrnReactAccInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 6 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Concerned about your child's recovery or possible problems in future indicator  Indicator for concern about your child's recovery or possible problems in future , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConYrChldRcvryPssPrbFutInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 7 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Day to day life changed for family indicator  Indicator for day to day life change for family , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDyDyLfChngFamlytInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 8 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Either parent miss work or school indicator  Indicator for if either parent missed work or school , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIEthrPrntMssWrkSchlInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 9 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Job school schedules affected in any way indicator  Indicator if job or school schedules are affected in any way , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIJbSchlSchdlAffctAnyWyInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 10 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult to take care of your other children indicator  Indicator for difficulty to take care of your other children , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffctTkeCreYrOthrChldrnInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 11 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficulty keeping up with daily chores indicator  Indicator for difficulty in keeping up with daily chores , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffctTKeepUpDailyChoresInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 12 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Any family routine changed or affected indicator  Indicator if any family routine changed or affected , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIAnyFmlyRoutnChngAffctInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 13 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Any long term goals affected indicator  Indicator for any long term goals affected , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIAnyLngTrmGoalAffctedInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 14 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult to accept and deal with your child's injury indicator  Indicator for difficulty to accept and deal with your child's injury , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffctAccptDealYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 15 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Concerned about spouse/partner reaction to your child's injury indicator  Indicator for concern about spouse/partner's reaction to your child's injury , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConSpsPrtnRctnYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 16 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult for spouse/partner to accept your child's injury indicator  Indicator for difficulty for spouse/partner to accept your child's injury , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffSpsPrtnAccYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 17 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Concerned your child being accepted by peers indicator  Indicator for concern about your child being accepted by peers , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConYrChldBngAccptPeersInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 18 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview - Disagree with spouse/partner on taking care of problem with family indicator  Indicator for disagreeing with spouse/partner on taking care of problem with family, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDisAgSpsPrtnTkCrePrbFmyInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 19 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult to talk about your child's injury indicator  Indicator for difficulty to talk about your child's injury, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffTlkYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 20 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Concerned about other person reaction to your child's injury indicator  Indicator for concern about other person reaction to your child's injury, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConOthrPrsRctnYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 21 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Disagree with others to best care for your child and family indicator  Indicator for disagreeing with others to best care for your child and family , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDisAgOthrBstCreChldFmyInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 22 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Concerned what other persons think about you disciplining your child indicator  Indicator for concern about what other persons think about you disciplining your child, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIConWhtOthPsnThkDscYrChdInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 23 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult to talk to others about your child's injury indicator  Indicator for difficulty to talk to others about your child's injury , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffTlkOthrsAbtYrChldInjInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 24 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Have difficulty finding time for your activities indicator  Indicator for having difficulty finding time for your activities , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIHvDffFndTmeYrActvtInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 25 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Spouse/partner have difficulty finding time for their activities indicator  Indicator for spouse/partner having difficulty finding time for their activities , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIISpsPrtnDffFndTmeThrActvInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 26 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult finding time to be together with spouse/partner indicator  Indicator for difficulty in finding time to be together with spouse/partner, as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffFndTmeTghrSpsPrtnInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Item 27 (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Injury presence indicator  Injury presence indicator , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIInjuryPrsncInd Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Difficult finding time to do things with your other children indicator  Indicator for difficulty finding time to do things with your other children , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIDffFndTmeDoThgOthrChldnInd Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Question description text  Question description text , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIQuestionDescrpnTxt Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Rate the level of stress scale  Rate the level of stress scale , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRateLevelStressScl Recommended CDE

FBII Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Child subscale score  Child subscale score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIChildSubscaleScore Recommended CDE
2 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Spouse subscale score  Spouse subscale score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIISpouseSubscaleScore Recommended CDE
3 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Others subscale score  Others subscale score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIOthersSubscaleScore Recommended CDE
4 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Siblings subscale score  Siblings subscale score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIISiblingsSubscaleScore Recommended CDE
5 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Routines subscale score  Routine subscale score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIRoutineSubscaleScore Recommended CDE
6 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Total score  Total score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIITotalScore Recommended CDE
7 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Composite score  Composite score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIICompositeScore Recommended CDE
8 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Any burden score  Any burden score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIAnyBurdenScore Recommended CDE
9 Family Burden of Injury Interview -Hi stress score  Hi stress score , as part of Family Burden of Injury Interview FBIIHiStressScore Recommended CDE

Change History